Legends of the Multi Universe Wiki
Legends of the Multi Universe Wiki
Aria Blaze ID EG2
Aria Blaze anthro ID EG2
Aria Blaze Siren ID EG2

"We have been known to sing from time to time." - Aria Blaze

Aria Blaze is a character from My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic.

She is voiced by Diana Kaarina. She bears an uncanny resemblance to that of Starlight Glimmer.

Aria Blaze siren form ID S7E26

Aria is one of the main villains of Equestria Girls: Rainbow Rocks.

Fire Rebellion Storyline[]

Fire Rebellion: Chronicles[]

Season 7[]

Season 8[]

Both she and Sonata see the first of Agent Nevada's plans put into motion as they see it on the news in Los Santos International Airport.

They later arrive at the Order's current base in the Commonwealth. Sometime after losing Sonata on the Moon, Aria gets kidnapped by the Nightmare Forces. Mich finds her and was abe to save her, to which she returned the favor during the rescue. But she is executed by Jacob Hendricks, who succumbed to the Nightmare Forces.

Fire Rebellion: Season 15[]

Catherine Carter ends up turning the Dazzlings back to villainy. She will be following Adagio in trying to gain both the Magic from Equestria as well as the Ninja Power Stars.

The B Team Storyline[]

Future Warfare[]

"Aria AT LEAST follows protocol like she's supposed to!" -Locus' outlook on Aria Blaze.

Allies: Adagio DazzleSonata DuskMalcom HargroveLocusFelix (RvB)Charon IndustriesThe MetaHades and the KVA.

Enemies: The Mane 6 and Sunset ShimmerTeam Blood GulchAgent Carolina and the Freelancer Defect Group, Project Freelancer, Power Rangers Ninja Steel



MLP Equestria Girls - Rainbow Rocks - Who are Aria and Sonata?-0
