Legends of the Multi Universe Wiki
Ares WW

Ares is the Greek god of War and the archenemy of Wonder Woman.

He creates conflicts where there are none, and spurs on those already on the brink of war with neighboring countries. After Wonder Woman's death at hands of The Joker, Ares attacks and overpower easily the Amazons and brainwash them, turning them in his personal army and tells them Princess Diana was killed by a beastkin and grim reaper.

LOTM: Next Generation Island Tour[]

Ares joins BlackGarurumon for his own reasons apart from having a beastkin and grim reaper to deal with. He is sent off with Nihilus and Lord of Darkness to go after Dr. Strange.

He and the two are directed to their location by Cronus who finds the Resistance in the jungles and they find Strange and his 3 companions. Ares nearly kills Big Barda and Minster Miracle though Dr.Strange saves him. Ares leaves for his own reasons which Nihilus warns him not to go through with though he doesn't listen to him.  Ares goes to the island with Lord of Darkness as they both have their own reasons. Ares and the amazons encounter Kid and Makoto, Ares jokes that Makoto and Kid are an item which they deny but not completely like Makoto, He and the Amazons try to get the two of them but they triumph. He goes to back Lord of Darkness who announces his master plan he's saving for later on to take out the sun in the Multi-Universe. He and Ares send Mor'Du and Mandrake who are holding Carl and Grey to an old abandoned island that may not be abandoned.

Predaking, Soran, Evanora, Darth Nihilus and Ares all head up to the prison and go for set up executions. Ares goes after Kid and Makoto another time and the two teach him once more not to screw with them.Ares and the members of BlackGarurumon prepare to relocate their base under Hans and Noah Cross. Ares, Frollo, Du Bois, Shaw and Unalaq all arrive in the sand world and shove The B Team into a pyramid making sure they are done with so BlackGarurumon can work on Blue who betrayed him to help Pan. Ares and the group is eventually taking their final stand against the heroes. Death the Kid and Makoto decide to take it among themselves but Yasha decides to help too and the three work against him and kill him.

LOTM: A New Beginning[]

Ares will be one of the main villains in this story. As Sir Patrick Morgan, he will pretend work with the heroes acting as their mentor while secretly manipulate them to achieve his goals.

Allies and enemies[]

Allies: Himself

Enemies: Olympian gods, The Amazons, Wonder Woman, Steve Trevor, Spike, Smolder, Lexington, The Dragon Team, Dr. Strange, The Multiversal Resistance, Justice Society of the Multiverse

