Legends of the Multi Universe Wiki
Aori standing there

Aori is a humanoid candle woman who hails from her mod of the same name.


Aori is a white humanoid candle woman with puffy long hair, a lit candle with a pink flame, thin black eyebrows, and pink eyes with white irises.

She wears pink dark pink eyeliner, pink blushes (if it's makeup), a hot pink gemstone brooch, dark grey and hot pink tuxedo with a white collar, white gloves, a hot pink skirt underneath the tuxedo, knee-high white stockings, and black Mary Jane heels. She also carries a black, pointy baton with her left hand.


She's a very intelligent individual, though she speaks rudely to her enemies but is respectful and polite to her friends. Aori doesn’t smile since she’s an intelligent woman. The exact reason behind this is a secret. She also thinks of pain, suffering, sorrow, sadness, anger, rage, and depression.



Aori knows Nikusa and considers her an aquaintence.

Reina (FNF)[]

Aori first meets Reina at the onsen and has actually taken quite a liking to her.


Someone Aori is tasked with hunting.

