Legends of the Multi Universe Wiki

Animatronics were robots built by the staff of Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria to entertain children. All have metal endoskeletons that make up the movement and physique beneath the costumes.

They also can be identified as different animals by the suits they wear. The costumes are attached to the endoskeleton using a Springlock mechanism holding the suit in place.

Seem harmless, right? Wrong! During the night...beware of them!

Five Nights at Ninjas[]

Their theme

Black Star, Taki and Tsubaki decided they would like to be night security guards for Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria. They had NO IDEA what they were getting into!

Known Animatronics[]

  • Freddy Fazbear
  • Bonnie the Bunny
  • Chica the Chicken
  • Foxy the Pirate
  • Golden Freddy
  • Puppet
  • Toy Freddy
  • Toy Bonnie
  • Toy Chica
  • Mangle
  • Balloon Boy
  • Springtrap
