Legends of the Multi Universe Wiki

"This story has been yours all along. You just didn't know it."

Anglesmith Orgins is a story that takes place at the start of the Phase 4 storyline. It takes places after the event of TGTTA 2 and The Miracle Dark Elite and the Apokolips War Endgame.

A Burning Question emerges about Anglesmith and his associates and how they came to be and the story is told

Opening Theme: Ask the Lonely by The 4 Tops

Ending Theme: Devil and The Deep Blue Sea by George Harrison

It Started on August 1st 2023 and ended on August 7th/8th 2023


Told in the past, after the deaths of Brick and Butch Jojo as well as The V Team, The M.O.D.A.B Cast is in a slump and has basically decided to quit the adventure game while they still as it potentially has wrecked their ability to live. Bender in particular is acting Reckless and through his many journeys, investigations and adventures has nearly being killed. Almost getting killed yet another time, he is told to retire from this while he has a chance.

Ignoring this for a few reasons, Bender ends up encountering a Wolf who putting the fear of death into him, causing him to follow this advice and retire at the retirement home for animated and cartoon Characters. Writing to Luan Loud and M.O.D.A.B, he packs his bag, runs away and retires.

Meanwhile with Anti Cosmo and Slade, They discuss something the recent events and that the Infosphere has landed in the multiverse. They decide to go after it to better their continent that they have been working on since the fallout of Apokolips War Endgame. Unwilling to deal with what happened with The V Team again, Slade tries to seek the help of the others to no avail. Anti Cosmo and Slade decide to get Bender's help despite not wanting to get him involved in part to Brick and Butch.

They Run Into Luan and they go looking for Bender and upon finding him. They tell him About the InfoSphere which has answers to what he is looking for. Bender, Luan, Slade, Anti Cosmo and joined by Harry Wells go searching for the Infosphere while dealing with a criminal group led by Kostas Becker after Slade and Anti Cosmo's group, as the potential fear of the wolf once again trying to chase down Bender and kill him.

Wile E Coyote, Bean and Captain Hero also get involved in the Infosphere search as well as each of them have their own reasons. Wile E teams up with Bender, Luan, Slade, Anti Cosmo and Harry Wells to find it. Bean, her friends and her father look it for take control of her destiny and to find out to solve the recession crisis in Dreamland. Where as Captain Hero is looking for his freedom from the Cartel and Kostas Becker working with his associate Nacho Varga.

Main Characters[]

The Central Main Characters[]

Bender (Main Protagonist)

Slade (Deuteragonist)

Anti Cosmo (Deuteragonist)

Luan Loud (Deuteragonist)

The Secondary Main Characters[]

Death (Puss In Boots) (The Heavy)

Wile E Coyote (Tritagonist)

Harry Wells (Tritagonist)

Bean Grunkwitz (Tritagonist)

Captain Hero (Tritagonist)

Kostas Becker (The Main Villain)

Other Characters[]



King Zog Grunkwitz


Princess Mora

Stan Marsh

Wendy Testaburger


Benny Stein

Luna Loud


Tuco Salamanca

Nacho Varga

Eladio Vuerte

Juan Bolsa

The Calulcator

La Sombra

Charles Muntz

Clarence Boddicker

D.A Sinclair

Blane Debeers

Don Vizioso

Jack The Ripper


Hansel and Gretel


Norman Stansfield

The Salamanca Twins

Sergant Yates

The Terrible Trio


Bunny and Claude

Characters The Story will be told to in the Wraparound Segments[]

Ronnie Anne

Sid Chang

Lincoln Loud

Lydia Lopez


Anne Boonchuy

Luz Noceda

Cricket Green

Tilly Green

Remy Remington

Molly Mcgee

Scratch Mcgee

Libby Stein

Guest Stars and/or Cameos[]





Captain Flamingo



Nina Cortex


Darkwing Duck







Black Star

Death The Kid


Scropion and The Scorpion Squad

Kratos and his Striker Force

V and The V Crusaders

Cruger and his Omega League

Nathan Drake and his Hunter Force

Brock Samson and The Body Guard Unit


Saul Goodman

Gus Fring

Deathstroke Wilson

Number 2

Marcy Wu

Jessie Wells

Hunson Abadeer


Twilight Sparkle

Phineas Flynn

Isabella Garcia Shapiro

Jimmy Neutron

Jorgen Von Strangle


Jerry (Disenchantment)


Calamity Coyote



It's the chronological 1st story of Phase 4 and a first for The4everrevival doing a prequel.

It's the story that follows the end of an age aspect of Phase 4 in particular going from how everyone went their own ways respectfully, and it how it put Bender, Anti Cosmo, Slade, Luan, Harry , Bean, Wile E and Captain Hero on their paths.

While it does have comedy, it is among the darkest storylines of the series, despite being a prequel and knowing the 8 aforementioned main characters will live.

The Story takes inspiration from Better Call Saul, Guardians of The Galaxy Volume 3, Logan and Puss In Boots 2: The Last Wish

Every Chapter is told by narration to other characters after the events of Chang's Guide To The Galaxy by Bender, Luan and Anti Cosmo in later chapters

Characters from M.O.D.A.B, The P Team, Scorpion Squad and others cameo at the start and the end, more was established that happened in between Phases 3 and 4. President Deathstroke and Associates have a Cameo in the end

Chronologically this is when Luan, Harrison Wells, Wile E, Captain Hero and Bean join the main cast. This is also when most of the characters leave the main cast of the M.O.D.AB/ B Team/ P Team etc Storyline.

The Cast is the smallest alongside To Live and/or Die in Loch Loud excluding cameos and wrap around segment characters,

  • It is also the story with the smallest amount of heroes in 14 of them (Later 16), with 20 villains and 3 grey morality characters.
  • Similar to Return of The Weirdmagedon Cult, Countdown, Chang's Guide To The Galaxy, Greatest Universal Horror Show of Circus Gothica and House of Disenchantment, Bender is the only M.O.D.A.B Character to be in the main story as the rest are cameos in the beginning and the end.
  • It has the smallest parties of groups of heroes, with 6 in the main group containing Bender, Luan, Slade, Anti Cosmo, Harry Wells and Wile E Coyote
  • Has the most cameos and characters of any storyline so far
  • Only Bender, Luan, Anti Cosmo and Slade appear in every segment, with Death missing Chapter 4 and The Epilogue, Kostas Becker missing the Prologue and Epilogue and Harry Wells, Wile E , Bean and Captain Hero missing the Prologue.

Anglesmith Origins is notable in that it changed the context of the previous storylines

This was one of Crossover4ever's favorite storylines alongside Streamverse

The Events are followed by Double Life Emerged
