Andrew Detmar is one of the two main antagonists (alongside Richard Detmer) of Chronicle.

The Umbrakinetic League[]
Ra's Al Ghul's league of shadow ninjas retrieved Andrew Detmers corpse from government autopsy rescuing him from being used to strengthen humanity. Andrew Detmer had been sent into the Lazarus Pit and was revived to help Ra's Al Ghul destroy very much of the Multi-Universe's wrong doings that have plagued it with corruption. Andrew would help, but he must ask if Ra's Al Ghul can revive his mother and earned a head shake of saying no as the Lazarus Pit only brings back to life to those who haven't died of natural causes (Old age and disease). However Ra's Al Ghul offers Andrew a place where he can rule amongst his side on the human race for Andrew to be feared for his strength to forcefully earn respect from them. Andrew accepts the other option, despite not being able to bring his mother back to life, he would help Ra's Al Ghul destroy and rule over the humans and anyone else living amongst the race he despises. He asks for his mother, praying to her to not think of him this bad for making such a choice as its a necessary plan to bring balance to the Multi-Universe in its natural state. Andrew Detmer told his father.