Legends of the Multi Universe Wiki

AncientMermaidmon (JP: エンシェントマーメイモン AncientMermaimon) is an Ancient Aquatic Beast Man Digimon whose name and design are derived from "Ancient" and "Mermaidmon". Possessing the attribute of Water, she is one of the Ten Legendary Warriors that saved the ancient Digital World.

A Mega who existed only in the distant past, AncientMermaidmon is the guardian goddess of the birthplace of Digimon, the Net Ocean, ruling the whole of it and able to handle all water, such as the ocean currents and tidal waves, as if they were her own limbs. It is said that countless continents and islands have been erased when AncientMermaidmon felt angry.

Her abilities were later passed on to the Aquatic Digimon.


  • Great Maelstrom: Generates a gigantic maelstrom which swallows everything in the water.
  • Crystal Billow: Crystallizes water into super-solids, then fires them off like a machine gun.

