Legends of the Multi Universe Wiki
Legends of the Multi Universe Wiki


Amanda Nierens is an OC created by Kingofevil9 and is a character in LOTM: Burning Sun, LOTM: Raining Chaos and LOTM: Escapade Through Time.


Amanda, while normally being very nice and extroverted, is also a competitive and determined woman when it comes to opportunities to push her limits and improve both her body and her powers. She does this by training constantly and always trying to eat healthy each and every day.


Amanda's combat outfit consists of a black and red sports bra, black and red shorts, and a hair tie keeping her hair tied back in a pony tail. She also wears sports tape around both hands. She is barefoot, but also wears sports tape around her feet as well. She also has a sort of athletic build to her body.

Dance outfit[]

Powers and Abilities[]

Energy Charge - Amanda's power, Energy Charge, allows her to charge up energy in her hands, arms, legs and feet. With this energy, Amanda can deliver devastating blows to enemies or by charging energy in her legs, she can jump higher than normal. Too much charged energy however can drain her stamina quickly.
