“I won't let anyone take away what is mine!!" - Alice
Alice (アリス, Arisu) was a child of the Baskerville Clan 100 years ago. Born in the Abyss, Alice had her age accelerated to the approximate age of twelve in a matter of seconds before being ejected from the Abyss. During the Tragedy of Sablier, Alice killed herself in order to stop Jack Vessalius from using both her twin sister and Oz the B-Rabbit to destroy the world.
Alice was originally thought to be the chain known as the B-Rabbit, abbreviated from 'Blood-Stained Black Rabbit' (血染めの黒ウサギ/ ビーラビット, Chizome no Kuro Usagi / Bī-Rabitto); however, it was revealed that Oz Vessalius is in fact the true (or original) B-Rabbit, and Alice is only a physical manifestation as her soul joined with Oz's body, taking his power, to prevent him from causing any more harm and to keep herself alive. Alice was rejected from Oz's body in Retrace 75: Alone, after which she resided in a junction with the Intention of the Abyss, who provided Alice with all of her lost memories. After a long talk, upon noticing a light shedding in the shared junction, she stated with tears that Oz was calling for her, and parted ways with her twin sister to return to the real world.
Alice, with Oz, Gilbert, Oswald, Vincent, and Ada arrived in the past version of Sablier. Upon returning to the past, she confronted the Core of the Abyss and told the Core that she wanted to free her sister. However, the Core didn't take the news well and kidnapped Alice in a misguided attempt to cheer up the Intention of the Abyss. Although Alice was absorbed by the Core, she was able to reunite with her sister and helped her regain herself. Alice and the Intention formed a contract with Oz. Alice and Oz were successful in gaining the Intention's wish; however, as a result of their actions, both Alice and Oz disappeared. 100 years later, Alice and Oz were reincarnated as children; singing Lacie's song and running joyfully to the grave where Gilbert emotionally welcomed them back.
As a human, Alice takes the appearance of an adolescent girl with purple eyes and long, dark hair. A cowlick turns up at either side of her head, giving the appearance of devil horns. Two long plaits descend from behind her, each ending in a chained hairpiece. Her hair is sometimes painted as black, and sometimes as brown. She stood at 150cm (4'11"). Jun Mochizuki notes her defining feature as her shapely legs, followed by her quickly changing expressions.
Her outfit for most of the series consists of a long, red coat with white details, a white shirt with a large white bow, a black miniskirt, and white laced boots. Prior to the Tragedy of Sablier, Alice wore a black dress to differentiate herself from her sister, but otherwise looked the same.
As the B-Rabbit, she takes the form of a large, somewhat anthropomorphized rabbit with black fur and red eyes. This form is sometimes given more predatory features, such as sharp teeth and a muscular frame. In this form, she wears the red and white checkered coat as seen in Alice's normal outfit, and wields a large, black scythe.
Alice appears to be wild, rough, cold, sometimes reckless, somewhat tomboyish and rude at the start–opposite with her twin sister the Intention of the Abyss, who more light and feminine–, especially to Gilbert. She is hotheaded and loud and says what she thinks without any regard for the consequences. Due to her short temper, she is energetically aggressive with people in general. Despite this, she also has a soft side, especially when she is around Oz. She hates when Oz leaves her alone, but to hide it, she usually mentions that he is her manservant and shouldn't leave her behind.
Alice is also known to be quite arrogant in battle, and she places much confidence in her abilities. During an arm-wrestling competition against a rival almost twice her size who is capable of seriously injuring her, her arrogance almost backfires; luckily, she was which she able to use her powers at the last second because of Gilbert's intervention.
Alice is very convinced of her feelings, and most of her actions reflect the emotions she feels. She is also very perceptive of others' emotions, and tries to cheer them up in her own way. She used to be very abrasive, but she is shown to be kind, honest, and sweet. she still holds true to her independence as well as her personal values and beliefs.
She has a huge appetite and especially loves meat. She often argues with Gilbert and calls him "Seaweed Head." In retaliation, Gilbert calls her "Stupid Rabbit." However, they seem to be better friends and seem to be on much better terms now than 100 years ago. In episode 22, when the story centers on Alice and the Intention, it is shown that how interestingly Alice's personality has changed in many times, when Alice still as a human. When Alice's body is taken over by the Intention of the Abyss, she is gentle, timid, and has feelings for Jack; like Lacie with Jack in the past. When Alice is herself, she prefers Glen (Oswald) to Jack and rather antagonistic to Jack. However, almost the whole of Alice's personality is totally opposite with the Intention of the Abyss; especially when it comes to Jack and Oswald. Along in the series, it's shown bizarre relationships between Alice and the Intention of the Abyss as a twins. Both sisters care deeply about each other, but at first it seems they hate each other and neither of them possessed their memories at the time. Also their same possessing towards Oz. However, later it was revealed that the Intention wished to Break to save Alice, seeing the Intention's caring about Alice; and thus showing to us that actually The Intention never hated Alice and instead continues to care Alice so much, beside their mirrorred dark-white personality.
All of all, because Oswald's great influence of Alice, it's also inspired Alice to behave like him, made Alice's tomboyish mannerism along the series which easily shown with her boyish speaking ways. And although Alice and her twin sister mirrorred dark-white personality, in many occasions, we can look carefully some of similar style of this twins during their fierce conversation with someone and both of them express their fierce towards each of their interlocutor. As shown in Episode 22, when Alice laughing crazily towards Rufus' illusion and The Intention mocking at Kevin about death of Sinclair Family. Out of her rough and wild persona, Alice shown to has enough politeness for girl especially seen when she is eating, as shown when she offers Oz a lunch in Episode 05. Like other character in the series, Alice also like a drinking tea at tea time with others (mostly Oz, Gil, Break and Sharon). Furthermore in anime, she seems like all kinds of food beside meat; as anime episode also shown she eating cakes. At a certain moment, she is also shows to like dancing as The Intention, but with her own style. Still like The Intention and following their mother, Alice has own way to shows her 'princess-like style' and interest aura which she inherits together with The Intention from their mother (Lacie); as shown when Alice reveals herself as 'Black Alice' to Jack when she still as a Baskerville Clan member.
Alice is frequently characterized by her naivety, being completely unaware of even basic concepts such as friendship, family, romance, or sex. Alice has a habit of interpreting things in an overly literal manner, or asserting expertise in areas she knows nothing about. This innocence contributes to Alice's lack of self-image, and Alice, at times, becomes deeply insecure. It is through Oz's love and support for her that Alice is able to remain faithful to her own emotions, despite her tendency to self-aggrandize.
Nonetheless, Oz's support proves invaluable to her, and Alice is able to stay true to who she is. This allows her to eventually recuperate her relationship with The Intention of the Abyss, her twin sister. Oz's respect and platonic love for her facilitates her warming up to Gilbert Nightray, whom she has been at odds with. Alice always feels for others to the fullest capacity, and though she often has difficulty articulating this, she loves her companions far beyond their usefulness to her. In fact, Alice is extremely protective of those she thinks "belong" to her, as in the cases of her sister and Oz. She and the Intention of the Abyss are repeatedly stated to be two versions of the same person, though this relationship and its implications for Alice's character are never explicitly elaborated on. Of the two sisters, Alice is far more disconnected from romance and femininity, ignoring these concepts entirely in favor of protecting her sister, Oz, and herself. She at times expresses a deep loathing for the Intention of Abyss, and has this hatred reciprocated, but ultimately does everything in her power to protect her.