Legends of the Multi Universe Wiki

"You shame Sparta, oath-breaker. You think you want truth, but truth will only bring you pain!" - Alecto

Alecto is the main antagonist in the video game God of War: Ascension. She is the Queen of the Furies, Lover of Ares, Mother of Orkos, and Goddess of Retribution.

As time went by, The Furies became power hungry, and wanted to rule Olympus. Some time afterwards, Alecto and the Furies came across Ares. They eventually found out that Ares also wanted to take over Mt. Olympus, so the four formed a partnership, and eventual a romantic relationship. Together, Ares and Alecto had a son name Orkos.

Both Ares and the Furies were hoping to use their son as a weapon to bring down the very walls of Olympus. However, the four quickly found out that Orkos was a complete disappointment as he didn't have a single ounce of bloodlust inside him. So Ares disowned Orkos and let Alecto and the others do what they want with him. Alecto decided to appoint Orkos as the Oathkeeper. Sometime afterwards, Orkos discovered his parents plans to overthrow Olympus, so he, along with his lover, the oracle, Aletheia, tried to warn Zeus about his parents' plan to overthrow Olympus. But Ares found out, and had the Furies intervene.

The Furies managed to capture both Orkos and Aletheia, to which they ripped out Aletheia's eyes before they could inform Zeus. Orkos was to be punished by his mothers, and Aletheia was imprisoned, and guarded by the Siamese demigods, Pollux & Castor. Alecto and her sisters then processed to punish Orkos for attempting to warn Zeus about their plans.

Meister of War

Alecto and her Furies join Johan Liebert to rule the Multi-Universe and are going to kill Kratos because her lover Ares was killed by the Spartan.However, when Ares is alive and joins his former enemy, Alecto and the Furies may have good hearts inside of them but it is unknown that she and the Furies reformed or not.



  • Alecto was voiced by Jennifer Hale.
  • Her monster form vaguely resembles the Kraken that Kratos fought in a previous game.