Legends of the Multi Universe Wiki
Skyrim Dragon Alduin

Alduin is the Nordic God of Destruction and a villain from Elder Scrolls Skyrim.

He is the eldest son of the main god in the series, Akatosh, and his evil counterpart. He is also the elder brother of Paarthurnax, who was his chief lieutenant during the dragon war but ended up betraying him and helped the mortals instead.

His theme

The Legend of Maka Albarn[]

While partnered with Tirek and Metal Sonic, Alduin senses two familiar signatures one that is his brother he has come to loath for his entire life turning against him and a mysterious new generation Dragonborn.

Whoever he or she is, he must find a way to make sure this individual never meets Paarthurnax or he and the dragons who follow him will be in serious trouble for the very one being that can only defeat him might be his last time to continue to be allowed to live.

LOTM: Darkness Incarnate[]


LOTM: The Angels Return[]

Despite being defeated by the last Dovahkiin, Alduin had somehow managed to make a comeback. Despite not having the powers of the Dragonborn, the Disney Angels and company made an attempt to defeat him. It proved to be super difficult as Alduin could pretty much shrug off every attack, plus Angewomon and Myotismon could not hold their forms as SuperOphanimon and SuperNeoMyotismon.

Alduin decided Angewomon and Myotismon would be a delectable meal...until Ranamon awakened as the Fourth Disney Angel and Alduin proved to be no match for her love-induced powers.

He met his end (we hope) at the hands of the Angels and all their beast friends.

