Legends of the Multi Universe Wiki

Alie is a heroine and a main character from the Megaman ZX series alongside his partner, later lover Vent

Greatest Strength: Her ability to wield biometals as well as her fighting skills

Greatest Weakness: She can be cocky at times

Voiced by: Yuko Yunokawa

Before her debut story she was originally an orphan from the Mavericks Raids who lost her parents and was a childhood friend of Vent, she later appeared participating in the war with Joker. She was saved by Starfire but she was suffering from Titan. However she was saved when they gave Alie a cure. Alie became a super solider as a result and after recovering she went around the universe trying to find her brother Vent

Sometime before the Multi-Universal War of Destiny, Alie grew up into a young and strong teenager. She worked with Axl for quite a bit of time. She eventually fell for him after Axl saved her life who liked her.

She eventually broke off the relationship when she realized it wasn't what any of them wanted, she later found love again after Vent confessed his love for her, it was an easy choice since she still had feelings for him from since they first met.

B Team Members appearing in Of Light and Darkness

The Multi-Universal War of Destiny[]

Alie is first seen when she spies on Discord's allies plans and then reports it back to Giro and Axl. After Bender has an incident with a situation, Alie decides to join Bender and his friends and leave to defeat Makarov's Nightmare. She won and acquired the fifth ring

The team was separated from each other through Pitch's attacks however she gets back on her feet and gets the team back with each other with the girls' help but mostly Heloise and Isabella. She helps Picard bring Borg Queen into justice with Axl and Stan. After the end, Aile learns that her brother Vent was presumably killed by Discord and Obodiah Stane which makes her determined to stop evil than ever having lost her brother.

Legends of Light and Darkness[]

She sometime got to Orlando, Florida with AVGN, Axl and Jack Frost. She saw Bender, Skipper, Heloise, Phineas, Isabella and Axel and called them that night. THe four joined the party and then Axl saw something odd and went after it. It was E. Aster Bunnymund who was mad at Jack for something that happened decades ago. However this was for a different matter and she with the other 9 got placed in a sack. She meets the other guardians and when she asks when they're here. She and Bender can't understand Sandman's charades. When arriving at the Channel Awesome Universe, she wonders how AVGN knows the Critic and also questions him on his history with Wesker. Unlike the others, she knew about the Biometals that Nostalgia Chick was talking about and is surprised to know that they are more than meets the eye. Alie wonders through Equestira with her other friends, during her friends' baffling with Saix she finds something most unusual which Slade's team mates decide to analyze.

It;s revealed that it's a Model W, Alie explains to Bender, Skipper, Heloise, Axel, Phineas, AVGN, Jack Frost, Slade, Anti Cosmo, Nostalgia Chick, Mojo, Lex and Dr.Doom about Model W's orgin and nature. Though people want to help her, Alie only wants Axl to help her. When Jack makes his theory on Model A being capable of backing and Nerd stating how it makes no sense, Alie explains that Model W is capable of it too as it was the original biometal.and despite her knowledge she has no idea where the core is. After getting the Model W tracker she decides to go find the fragments where she and Axl go and encounter Andrew Okinoey. She returns and goes off to save Axl with the others. She helps Bender bring Jr`s ship down and acquires more Model W Fragments in the process. She goes after more of them with Axl after being separated from their friends, they travel the cave where they find more Model W Fragments and they meet everyone else as they try to find Slade, Phantom R and the others. Alie leads with the others into Aplolips regarding Darkseid and his plans.

Alie has a realization that she tells her friends about. Alie tells the others she is close to becoming an adult and that she is not getting younger. Alie makes plans to propose to Axl, which the others find unusual but then again she is more masculine than Axl. Axl states that he must think about it as marriage is rather much to ask. When Khan threatens the heroes to hang over the Biometals, Alie states that they don't even have all of them and Khan silences her.

Alie like Bender suspects a trap here with Khan since it doesn't feel like them. Alie tags with Jack Bauer and co regarding Aztec where she fights Quatrich's soldiers and Truth's Brutes regarding the Model W fragments. She investigates the Fragments of Model W to find a connection and she tells her friends that an identify can be found when they get enough. Alie goes off to find more fragments and she lets the others come with her this time as she's more open to their needs. This time the locations are different as the Model W fragments are on the island as opposed to in a cave. She reinforces it with the fact she feels it which gets criticism from Will who she goes with alongside Marie to look for clues. They go finding clues and she finds it all, when Addler tries to fettle Jack, she tells him not to fall for her charms. She returns with her own stuff which Insano decides to use to figure out with the others. To her own horror It's Dr. Weil who is Model W and considering the damage he did last time she got rights to fear Weil.

Alie and Axl are revealed that they decided to get married anywhere where Alie will grow up into an adult. Alie sees the first fraction when the heroes begin traveling the mountains. She and her friends join in giving the fight to Fraction one. She joins Jack Frost and Will Vandom in finding the dogs since she doesn't trust the villains not to get brutal. She communicates with the biometals and learns of the partners linked to the biometals. She is picked alongside Axl and Jack Bauer for Model A. Axl and Alie join Klonoa and they fight as well as send K. Rool running off. After Hazama's defeat, She and Axl decide to go through with the wedding. The two get married with Bender, Hiccup, Slade and their friends attending, though they are sad with Axel being gone. They leave for their honeymoon after Hades marries them.

Legends of the future[]

Later on Alie and Axl revealed that they decided not to get married, since they both realized their relationship no longer worked. She went to the side of a cliff to think about her future when Vent came to talk to her.

He confessed his love for her just wanted that she knew it, Aile giggled and revealed to him what just happened and that she has actually loved him since they were kids.

The story ends with Aile and Vent kissing with the moonlight shining upon them. They were married less than 2 years later.

Allies and enemies[]

Friends: Vent (Boyfriend), Giro, Axl (Ex-boyfriend), X, Zero, Bender, Skipper, Heloise, Finn, Django, Starfire, King Julian, Jorgen, Axel, Jimmy Neutron, Twilight Sparkle, the B Crew, Jack Frost, Zordon, Tooth, North, Sandman, Bunny, Nostalgia Chick, Slade, Anti Cosmo, Celes Chere, Jack Bauer, Orion, Suede, Phantom R, Marie, C-3P0, R2-D2, Will Vandom, Stan Marsh, Wendy Testaburger, Dr. Manhattan, Harpuia, Makoto Nanaya, Scamp, Angel, Annette, Sabrina Spellman, Harvey Kingle, Salem, Silver, Green, Klonoa, Wreck-It-Ralph, Monodramon, Hexadecimal, Jesu Otaku, Nostalgia Critic, Hiccup, Astrid, Zuko, Obi-Wan, Jack Sparrow, Aleu, Hellboy, Katara, Aang, Spyro, Balthazar Blake, Flash Sentry, Irene Addler

Enemies: Serpent, Master Albert, Discord, the Dystopia League, the Sigma Organization, Sigma, Dr. Doppler, Malefor, the League of Darkness, Model W, Darkseid, the Darkseven, the Joker, Dr. Weil, Hazama, Relius Clover, Sari Sumdac

