Legends of the Multi Universe Wiki
Legends of the Multi Universe Wiki
Agent York without helmet

Freelancer Agent New York (or Freelancer Agent York for short) is an agent of Project Freelancer gone rogue from Red vs. Blue.

He's the primary love interest of fellow Freelancer, Agent Carolina.

His special skill is lock picking.

York is the second Freelancer agent to go rogue, the first being Tex, the third being North Dakota, the fourth being Carolina, the fifth being Wyoming, and the sixth being Washington, making Agents Maine, Florida, and South Dakota the only ones who never strayed from the Director.

Order of the Just[]

"One of the Freelancers that Luna and the 10 Legendary Warriors revived. I bet Carolina will be happy."

Elias T. Walker's outlook on Agent York.

Agent York, along with Agent Florida, was revived by Princess Luna and instated into the Order of the Just.

York will appear in the final 10 episodes of Fire Rebellion: The Search for Rarity.
