Legends of the Multi Universe Wiki
Trout introduces himself

Agent Trout is the main antagonist of We Bare Bears: The Movie. He is a Agent from the National Wildlife Control who wants to restore the "natural order" by separating the bears.

The Bad Guys and The Boys[]

Trout attempts to arrest and take out the Bad Guys forcing them on the run respectfully as he arrived to restore the natural order of bad creatures.

He is in league with Kang in regards to his plan and is also trying to overthrow the president as well who basically discharged him until Kang restores it for his services.

Following Kang's instructions, he decides to basically precure The Bad Guys's home to insure they cant go home using his law connections. As the team travels through the world working to deal with Kang, Agent Trout follows them every step of the way, attacking multiple times. Eventually he manages to outwit the heroes and has the Bad Guys Arrested and sent away so he can kill them after becoming fed up with their interference

Abusing his power, he also decides to try and take Foxington out of power and expose her as Crimson Paw as well so he can get rid of her as well. During this, he also manages to discover the time travelers, he informs Kang who already knew of them and has been facing off against them

He makes one last stand against Mr.Wolf and the others, and fails. Wolf tries to save him, but Trout refuses and tries to kill himself, though he survives and Mulder and Scully arrest him with Foxington


Book 1: Overture[]

Chapter 1[]

Part 3[]

Victoria had managed to make it to Agent Trout's cell. Trout recongizes her as the Vice President elect and questions her reasons for being here. Victoria knows he had previously worked for Kang the conqueror. Trout admits he did, and then he was arrested, he became aware of Dr.N Tropy's treachery unlike most members and he tried to stop N.Tropy but N.Tropy stole a device to make him forget it even happened before N.Tropy overthrew Kang to start his own fraction. Trout was disgusted as N.Tropy is supposed to be on his side as a fellow human. Victoria admits that N.Tropy is some kind of crazy madman with time punchants and a disturbing fetish for himself. Trout raises his eye at this and realizes Neuman is working for him, Neuman says N.Tropy is not her boss, she's working with him not for him.

Agent Trout decides to stab Victoria for hearing this and realizes she's a Supe upon analyzing his blood. Neuman is mildly annoyed about this and Trout decides to blackmail her if she doesn't help him escape and go after N.Tropy for his screwed up plan he discovered and tried to warn Kang about. If she doesn't, Agent Trout will insure she will have to step down and expose what she is doing and threatens to do something to her daughter planning to experiment on her. Neuman says he isn't the first one to try and expose her, but he won't be of use to her and Neuman just pops his head off. Telling Trout with his head off that pro tip to keep hands off her daughter.

