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Legends of the Multi Universe Wiki

Agent Bishop is a character from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.

Allies: The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Master Splinter. Deathstroke and his associates, Team Free Will

Enemies: Baxter Stockman (His best friend he is trying to save from giving into evil.), The Shredder, Great New Empire, Hell Councils, M.A.L.I.C.E, The Conspiracy

Team Free Will: Diassembled[]

Chapter 4[]

Agent Bishop arrives on Deathstroke's orders and saves Mulder and Scully from Sweet Pete and his plans. Lurantis and Alpha go after Bishop, though he managed to out manurver them with his skills and smarts though he doesn't techinally defeat them. Agent Bishop allows The Bad Guys and Jaune De Arc to force a retreat on them

Agent Mulder, Scully and Joanna ask who is he, Agent Bishop reveals he's a government agent working for the president and that he has been keeping tabs on them. Joanna asks about the president, Bishop reveals that he has been waiting to see them all and requested him to get them.

Mulder and Scully ask Bishop how did he find them, and Bishop reveals that another associate was tailing  them this whole time. Scully knows he's reffering to the lawyer and the elderly fixer and decides to go with Bishop. Joanna tend to Jaune in regards to his injuries as The Bad Guys help them get in to the vechile Bishop took to save them

Agent Bishop brings the Bad Guys, Joanna, Jaune De Arc and Agents Mulder and Scully to Deathstroke who is seen with Saul Goodman and Number 2  and infroms his boss that he found them

Chapter 5[]

Agent Bishop shows up to sabotage a revenge attempt Mina tries to take on Sid and gets the others to safety.

While they all freaked out about the abduction and worry what will become of them. Agent Bishop approaches them and tells them that they are safe as he works for Deathstroke and that they are heading to Banff and informs them to tell their friends about it. Sid, Lisa, King and Larke look out on the UFO.

Captain Hero, Bean, Stan, Tweety and Mark all go to Bishop and Bishop explains that he was aware of the spy group;s hold up as intent on allowing colonzation. He was pursuing leads on Commander Z-9, and a race of feline aliens. Mark asks about Virtumites, Bishop states that yes he has been keeping eyes on them too and knows Mark is one of the good ones and that Bishop knows that Ford has been working on the weakness, Hero could fight them and Lydia with the stones can straight out kill them.  Hero shows off that he was right and that he could fight the virtumites after all to the disbelief of them, Mark states that he can take that to his room while he's at it. Bishop agrees with this  and states that they have to wait for Deathstroke's next move

Chapter 6[]

Ford gets Communcation with Agnet Bishop about heading to Moose Jaw and the teams discuss what they saw on their side. Sid, Lisa, Bishop and the others are managing to land in Moose Jaw and that they are intending to wait for the others. Hero and Bean both carry their hemp with them when questioning by Larke, they state that it allowed them to save them.

Bishop's ship manages to land on Moose Jaw as planned as Sid, Lisa, Bean, Captain Hero, King, Tweety, Mark, Stan and Lakre all are told they have arrived. Sid and Lisa were busy on something secret, Hero got high with Bean once more off hemp to Pass The Doogie. Larke was at a secret room pushing her body to new limits with the kind of training Bishop states is above the usual human level while training with Mark who she dragged with her. While Stan and Tweety were playing cards to pass the time

As their craft is parked, Bishop, Sid and the others all unexpectlingly run into Mulder, Scully, Joanna, Jaune, THe Bad Guys, and The Agents Stan Smith and Jack Bauer.  Upon the whole story getting told they all decide to go find Ford Pines and deal with this whole invasion on the double.

Scully and Mulder tell Agent Bishop about this and decides to have it sent to his boss when needed. Mr. X tells the group to be quiet as the agents are here and he can sense them. This is true when Malestorm, THe Millers, The Ys, Sweet Pete, Steelbeak, Archdruidness and Mina all meet up and reveal that the plan has gone accordingly.

Agent Bishop, Larke and the rest learn that Team Free Will is all there and are dealing with aliens like Hero and Mark stated. Bishop states he will have to leave to help Deathstroke get the others and investigate Royal Woods and that The Special Agnets will have to come with him

Deathstorke, Mulder, Scully, Saul, Mike, Welton and Agent Bishop all arrive at Royal Woods. Mulder and Scully say that they knew this would happen, Deathstroke and his assocaites ask about this and Scully says that it's what Lincoln said to them and that he went to investigate it. Deathstroke instructs the others to go find Lincoln and Lydia for Ford, handing Mulder, Scully, Agent Bishop and Welton heat weapons as he knows Demogorgon don't like heat.

Saul and Mike both have Odival captued and Deathstroke states that it's time to find out what Odival knows on this.

This is when The Mind Flayer gets heated intensely by Mulder, Scully, Welton and Agent Bishop who show up to see Lincoln and Lydia. Agent Bishop states Deathstroke is looking for them and that they need to come back to them.

Lincoln states they need to get rid of the Mind Flayer first which Welton and Agent Bishop respond that their safety comes first.

Lydia, Lincoln, Mulder, Scully, Welton and Agent Bishop return to Deathstroke, Saul and Mike who have interrograted Odival about his knowledge. Odival reveals that he doesn't know M.A.L.I.C.E's real boss but he does know that the Mind Flayer can be stopped but it has to lose control of it's proxy body and he knows how.

Deathstroke asks how and why?, Odival states he's doing this to get revenge on The Arch Drudiness and M.A.L.I.C.E. He doesn't care if the heroes win he just wants the villains to lose

Odival is  impaled by The Mind Flayer on CSM"s orders for giving out info to Lincoln as he wants to keep Lincoln from finding out the truth

Lincoln and Lydia despite their amonisty are sypmathetic to his death, though Deathstroke's assocaites state that they have their info and that they can use it now to save their families and friends. Mulder does comfort them agreeing to this.

However a snapping is heard and this is when Lincoln, Lydia, Deathstroke, MIke, Saul, Bishop, Welton, Mulder and Scully all realize Cleo has stolen the stones and now has used them.

Lydia, Lincoln, Deathstroke, Mike, Welton, Agent Bishop, Mulder and Scully return and see the others. Everyone is glad to see the two safe with all of them just glad to see them alive.

Chapter 7[]

The Adults decide to send the kids out of the room so they can set on their own plan in this regards with Ford, Mulder and Scully leading this charge. Deathstroke, Mike, Welton and Agent Bishop take tallys and announce who was snapped out among their crews.

Bishop and MIke both state that the mind flayer is also worth their time to deal with, it's powerful and Lincoln's family and Lydia's family as well as Marcus were assmilated and Marcus was the oringial host when Scully states that has to be dealt with

Mulder explains it's buliding a body and it's getting bigger so they need to put a stop to it while they have a change. Jauna states and how will they stop it with Lincoln, Lydia, Bishop, Mike and the agents not bening able to hurt it. Bishop states that they have hurt it just not enough to actually kill it.

Lincoln, Lydia, Luz, Bruce, Larke, Captain Hero, Truman, Hilda, Agent Bishop, Jauna, Betty, Mulder, Scully, Mr.X all taking the way to deal with aliens

- Group 1 boards a space ship with the exception of Hero who decides to fly in space with Agent Bishop and Betty maining controls for the group.

Mulder shows Jauna a file that he undercovered about his former loved one and that he was looking into it and this is what got his interest. Mr.X and Bishop both state the only info they know is the brand of smokes the head puffs.

The agents have this under control mostly and that are putting things together with Hilda, Jauna, Agent Bishop and Mr.X.

Mulder and Scully decide to go after Luanis and Agent Bishop and Mr.X do warn the agents that fire arms aren't the way to do it in particular mere pistols. Mulder explains he can handle himself in a fight.

As the team gets closer to the Lunar alien ships, Lurantis has his men immediatly attack them on spot. Betty notices this and has Lincoln, Lydia and Hilda take fire on the smaller ships while she teleports the crew to Luranis ship

Hilda, Lincoln and Lydia agree and each take the controls of another ship. Bishop states that Deathstroke had him bulit a lot of cruisers for such a ocassion to them. Betty and Agent Bishop over see Luranis being brought in and thrown in the slammer with The Millers.

Alpha is being closed in on the others and Agent Bishop and Betty decide to go engage in this with Truman and Mr. X who decide to go pursue Alpha. Alpha having becoming an cyborg as mechanical augmentations are better than biological enhancements after all his failures with alien parts. Betty and Agent Bishop both notice and decide to let this get the drop

Truman leads the pack knowing Cyborgs and with alien parts, he proceeds to use his tecnhology all against Alpha. Alpha puts a good fight against Truman and even grabs him with intent to kill him immemdaitly. Mr.X manages to free him and allows Betty and Agent Bishop to basically do the dirty work and against him. Eventually leads into Bishop tying him to a missle and sending him out

Betty and Truman comment that it was Lincoln's orders to bring them back alive, Agent Bishop concedes but Alpha is too dangerous to be left alive and he needs to get rid of him.

As the 4 return, Betty tells the team that Agent Bishop killed Alpha so they can't take him into custody. Lincoln asks why did Bishop do so, Bishop explains his reasoning and Lincoln states it makes sense though he doesn't like it. If he wants to do things right, he needs to allow different persepctive as he says.


Agent Bishop returns to base after The Alien Invasion is foiled and is praised for his spectular work at saving the multiverse from hostile aliens. Deathstroke and Bishop both seem content with the fact that they managed to bring Team Free Will to it's good graces. However this is short lived when Mike arrives telling them to turn on the news

They find out that Lydia's secret identify was leaked to the media by someone and Bishop knows it wasnt Omni Man as he wouldn't risk dealing with Ford. Agent Bishop and Deathstroke go to see Saul Goodman knowing he has a way to get the team to safety from all their enemies Team Free Will made.

Bishop and Mike both bring the Team to Deathstroke telling them exactly what happened. As he decides to get the papers ready for Kim on Deathstroke's orders.

Countdown To Chang's Guide To The Galaxy[]

Chapter 1[]

Agent Bishop and Mr.X both enter with their reports they hand to the President. As The President reads the reports. Bishop adresses that Irken Invaders have landed on the planet according to his investigation as well as Lord Dregg of his franchise's world and that there may be more on the way.

A Knock on the door is heard and Agent Bishop gets it and sees it's Ford and Omni Man who have arrived to his office. Deathstroke, Agent Bishop and Mr.X question this as Ford is supposed to be in hiding with the rest of Team Free Will.

Ford says that Nolan came to get him and that he needed his help with something so he left the cabin to help him and got some of his other bandmates to watch Luz. Deathstroke tells Ford he was supposed to and now they can be comproimsed with what was on the news.

Ford questions what news and Agent Bishop shows him  Homelander's declare of Manhunt on Team Free Will. Ford asks who he is and Mr.X tells Ford he is the head of Vought Coroporation and that while he looks like a typcial america loving hero, he is really an insane attention seeking murder according to what they were told with The Bad Guys.

Agent Bishop recalls that and asks Nolan why Ford spefically apart from being old friends. Nolan says he will have Ford protected in case Homelander or anyone targets him and that Homelander isn't acting alone, they also have an alien invasion and a struggle for Virtum's rule

Deathstroke gives his theory that the one behind this is the whoever lead M.A.L.I.C.E and suspects that Homelander is with him as well.

Nolan confirms he is right about this and that he knows the man, though the only thing he knows is that he is an older man who smokes.  He was being blackmailed just like those agents even when he was on his side. He believes Thragg is a bigger concern and that that him, Ford, Bishop, X and Deathstroke need to stop him and the aliens he has as The Man will have more alien life at his call

Agent Bishop tells Deathstroke, Ford, Nolan, Mr.X, Bruce and Larke that more  people came to visit and it's Betty, Master Chief and The Aribter. Deathstroke states that he actually hired them out in regards to this whole thing to help out and they know space so they will take a spaceship and head out to go against the invaders.

As if that wasn't enough Mr.Wolf and the Bad Guys enter as well and tell him that they found his P.I and told him what Deathstroke wanted them to know. Mr.X and Agent Bishop both instruct the others that they are ready to take this to space and that with the ship the Spartian and Arbiter has, they can head off and stop the ongoing invasions.

Mr. X, Agent Bishop, Master Chief, Betty and The Arbiter then head off to get their space ship ready for the upcoming battle,

Agent Bishop, Mr.X, Betty, Master Chief and Arbiter get The Bad Guys, Deathstroke, Ford, Nolan, Bruce and Larke and tell them that the ship is ready and that are ready for take off.

Chapter 2[]

Deathstroke and his allies Agent Bishop, Kamela and Mr.X  communicate with Deathstroke's allies and learn that Intergang may be an issue and should keep an eye out for Bruno Mannheim incase he tries anything. Deathstroke and Bishop do some look into them and they do notice Intergang could be an issue but they can proably deal with them. Mr.X asks Deathstroke about his allies and Deathstroke explains that they are his group led by his private investigator other than Mr.Entermuahut and his scientist in the business. Kamela also goes saying that she met them as well from his main henchmen so she knows they are on to something.

Deathstroke also learns about Sid being busted by Intergang, hence why they coomuciated with them and that Lisa ran away to be with her. Deathstroke and Mr.X are a bit questioning how she was found, They realize that someone was looking in on Team Free Will potentially without them realizing it. Agent Bishop considers maybe looking into Mulder and Scully

Nolan, Ford, Deathstroke and Agent Bishop take center stage and they manage to get a lot of Nolan's race present with Kamela's help in getting everyone attention as she is aware they will need a way to get their help.

Ford, Deathstroke and Bishop all admit that some alien race should unite with humanity to stand against more hostile alien life and while they are loyal to Virtum, they shouldn't be indoctrinated into conquering.

When questioned, Nolan admits that having a son and a wife has indeed changed him and rekindling with a old friend also helped. Ford tells Nolan that they are still working but it's helping. Agent Bishop approachs the Virtums and states that though what Omni Man is talking is unsual for them but maybe some change is needed.

Ford, Nolan, Agent Bishop and Deathstroke are found and they managed to talk at least a good deal of the Virtumites to work with them, but some are still willing to help Thragg. This is when Bruce, Larke, Betty and Crpyto arrive fighting off Irkens.

Ford, Nolan, Bruce, Kamela, Larke, Deathstroke, Agent Bishop, Betty and Crpto arrive with the ship with the Virutmites all at war, those following Nolan and others following Thragg. So they can prepare a new plan to resuce Mr.Snake, Mr.Pirhana and Mr.Shark.

Thragg's plan works pefectly and he has the Almightly Tallest , his fellow Virumties and other aliens contacted by CSM and Homelander to attack them. Master Chief and Agent Bishop make an connection that Dregg is on the alert as well and he has arrived with other reinforcments causing a drastic attack.

Everyone goes after Dregg, The Almightly Tallest and the Virtumites.

Despite the resisance of them all and Deathstroke, Betty and Cypto's leading the attacks efficently and intellgently. They are still one ship against a fleet and it looks to be the end as Dregg and The Irkens intent to destory the crew while they're tired. This is until another ship manages to arrive and stop the forces from destroying the ship and magnets the crew up

Master Chief, Arbiter, Kamela,  Cypto and Agent Bishop are busy learning about Rocket Raccoon and The Renasisance. Agent Bishop finds out about their oppsoitation to the Irken Empire and while it's not much, Agent Bishop accepts that The Raccoon and them are willing to help as are the Virtums loyal to Nolan.

Chapter 3[]

Betty, Bruce, Larke, Agent Bishop, Mr.Wolf and Webs all arrive to Maximus and they interograte him about the location of Mr.Snake, Pirahana and Shark. Maximus is initally smug saying he won't say anything even as Betty and Agent Bishop are threatening him.

Betty questions who he is working for, Maximus states that he works for no one, and that he works with someone and Thragg is who to consider targeting, or Dregg. He states it will be most wise to target a weak target

This confuses Wolf and Webs. Agent Bishop threatens the location out of  Maximus and to stop playing around.

Agent Bishop reports back to Deathstroke and tells him to keep an eye on Maximus in case he tries anything. Deathstroke agrees to this, trusting his Agent clearly

Agent Bishop and Betty both get another cruiser and take Mr.Wolf, Webs, Bruce , Larke with them as Mr.Wolf and Webs declare they will find their teammates despite what the odds being thrown at them

Betty, Mr.Wolf, Webs, Bruce Wayne, Larke Tanner and Agent Bishop all take their ship to go intersect with Lord Dregg and Webs managed to hack the location of where Lord Dregg as she managed to acquire the location

Agent Bishop studies what he kept from his dealing with M.A.L.I.CE and receives a beeper from someone and he looks into it. Observing that The Irkens avoided them and went straight for the earth as did others, He also learns something and gets it send to Deathstroke

Deathstroke finds out from Agent Bishop and Crimson Paw that The Conpsiracy on earth and space is being masterminded by The Cigarette Smoking Man.

Betty, Bruce, Larke, Agent Bishop, Mr.Wolf and Webs all sneak aboard the mother ship where Lord Dregg is.

Bruce goes with Betty and Bishop and they manage to dispatch much of Dregg's men with simple skill and proficiency. Agent Bishop decides to go after Dregg to allow the others to save the other Bad Guys

Bruce, Larke, Mr.Wolf and Betty overhear a security alarm going off about a premier breach and it turns out it's Dregg who BIshop found and Bishop is using every opporunity he can to fight Lord Dregg though a good deal of it is for naught due to Dregg's power, though Bishop gets a few hits in and uses of all things a tie to seal the deal.

As Bishop manages to gain some sense of an upperhand on Lord Dregg, He pulls his trump card and stuns Lord Dregg with a MIB like device. Bishop acquires something for his employer and heads off, Dregg puts a lock down on the mother ship intending to kill everyone inside. This just about works until The Bad GUys crash into the mother board and pick up the rest intend to go back to Deathstroke, Ford and Omni Man

Betty, Larke, Bruce, Agent Bishop, The Bad Guys, Mr.X, Master Chief, Arbiter, Cypto, Rocket and Kamela all return back from their expoditions to see the three who arrive with their new ship

Mr.X and Agent Bishop decide to tell Deathstroke, Ford and Nolan about what they did find out as Did The Bad Guys

Deathstroke, Ford, Nolan, Mr.Wolf and The Bad Guys, Agent Bishop and Mr.X all end up discussing that they know The Smoking Man was the one behind all this, the alien invasions and most of what they dealt with last time. However Mr.X tells them about The Martians that invaded them and that it seems they were on CSM's orders to hunt and kill a white haired boy and a red headed girl for something they did a while ago. Ford instantly realizes that Lydia and Lincoln were who The Martians were hunting and asks how that even happened, Bishop tells Ford that the two got into the crosshairs of Mulder and Scully due to their Demogrgon hunt they did in Dreamland a while back when M.A.L.I.C.E was up to no good.

Agent Bishop does reveal that he consorted Master Chief, Arbiter, Cypto and Rocket and the 5 came to an agreeance that they will be dealing with their next threat that is coming their way, because Dregg has called in a greater threat to them all on orders of The Smoking Man and is unsure if anyone even knows anything about these guys though also had some connections to the Galactius expy that invaded Townsville.

Chapter 4[]

As the rest of the crew tole away on their own stuff, Agent Bishop does investigating on the Conspiracy with Mr.X, Deathstroke and Kamela. Upon receiving some new from Deathstroke's contract Diana with Mr.Wolf and his crew, in regards to what was dug up on The Russian side of things

Bishop begins to look into Headcrabs to figure out to best help Tucker, Trudy and Tuesday X out of trouble. He is also given news from P.I Anglesmtih about the involvement of Blackfire in the operation and her family connection to the queen of the planet Tazmarian

Bishop trades the info off with the three and they decide that it may be a most worthy pursuit to go now to the planet and see what help they can acquire. They have some of Nolan's people and now it might be wise to get more benevolent alien life to help at least according to Kamela and Deathstroke.

Though Bishop and X are not really buying for the most part due to their indifference  on Bishop's part or in X's case his need to prove their exixtence.

As the 4 inform the crew of their plan, this sets Master Chief, Arbiter and Betty in realziing they are heading to the planet of the wife of the B Team's leader who unknown to them is Deathstroke's P.I working on the same case.

The Almightly Tallest set an attack on the ship once more intent to put an end to them. Agent Bishop attacks them directly with Cyrpto, RJ, Rocket and Betty with their own mini cruisers that RJ had placed in there.

As Bishop fights them off, he notices a bomb on The Almightly Tallest's ship and warns Betty to escape with her live as it will kill her too.

As they all repel the Irkens, Bishop notes how some of them are still alive despite the death of the Tallest and thinks on who will they serve now. This is cut short by the group landing in Tazmarian and deciding to go after Blackfire.

Blackfire and Thragg find them and try to have taken out, though Bishop decides to not go without struggling even though Dregg and Maximus show up. Bishop takes on Dregg with the others as everyone does their whole fighting

Bishop does maanage to kill more of Dregg's men, but comes short of Dregg as he esacpes, This is when the group decide to hold a truce with The tazmanrians to make their next move

Chapter 5[]

Agent Bishop discusses with Deathstroke, Kamela and  Mr.X what is techainlly going down , and they overhear what Ford, Larke and Bruce were doing with the head crab investigation going. Bishop considers another potential option in the situation to help out with their situation. Though he is not saying anything at the moment and considers it maybe not to be the better option.

Later on, He and Mr. X notice a capusle and decide to inspect it, The two think it's a trap which is indeed proven correctly and they help deal with The Heavy Lobster with the others.

After it's dealt with the two ask where Betty wants to go, trusting her judgements and Betty leads with her judgement a final recruit.

Chapter 6[]

Agent Bishop is in contact with Mulder, Scully and Truman and the others and arrives to help get the head crabs off The Xs. He and his group are successful but this is when Thragg invades and the others meet back up to prepare their fight


The Bad Guys are sent to go after Lord Dregg  and The Neutralizer with Agent Bishop. Webs basically hijacks the ship to crash and they manage to get Dregg taken in and the Newtralizer

The Bad Guys help get the others out of trouble with Mr.Wolf where Agent Bishop and Tigerclaw have them killed. Bishop has N.Brio  crash the spaceship the Conspiracy had into the place to kill the aliens to keep their reinforcements at a minimum. He then informs Ford and Nolan where Thragg is going

Bishop organizes a clean up plan with the others as they sent the others out.

House of Disenchanted Cards[]

