Legends of the Multi Universe Wiki
Legends of the Multi Universe Wiki

Admiral Zhao is a dangerous villain hailing from Avatar: The Last Airbender


First Death[]

Zhao was the Admiral of the Fire Nation Navy, one of the most feared. He lead the Fire Nation Military into battle with the Northern Water Tribe, where he struck a spirit world being, leading it to rampage against the Fire Nation Navy and eventually Zhao's death.

Escape and the Coalition[]

In 2011, shortly after the defeat of Nightmare Rarity, Reaver released Zhao from the Fog of Lost Souls (which is basicly the Avatar Universe's version of Hell), thinking he'd get a large pay from Zhao. Unbeknownst to Reaver, Zhao takes him as prisoner to interrogate him about Aang's location. Reaver tells Zhao that Aang is dead and that the current Avatar is Korra, a teenage girl from the Southern Water Tribe. Zhao officially takes Reaver as his prisoner as well as Discord and Hermann Fegelein.

He then went to unite many villains and their organizations together to form the Extremist Coalition of the Fire Nation to overthrow Zuko's daughter and hunt down and kill Avatar Korra, making him the founder, but not the leader as he wanted to continue to fight. The leader he appointed is currently unknown.

He is opposed by David Mason and his Task Force 142.

Fire Rebellion: The Search for Rarity[]

Zhao will be a major antagonist, but he won't appear until Act II.

The Viking Alliance[]


Future Warfare[]

