Razorbeard (simply known as Razorbeard) is the main antagonist of Rayman 2: The Great Escape. He is the tyrannical leader of an army of robotic pirates who invaded Rayman's world and enslaved the inhabitants.
He was voiced by Ken Starcevic, who also played André in Rayman 3: Hoodlum Havoc.
The Ultimate Story[]
Razorbeard has appeared in the early chapters of the first Ultimate Story, where he hosts a pirate ship of tyrannical robots plaguing Rayman's world. On the subject of the hero, he has been imprisoned in the many cells along with his friend, Globox. And it wasn't until a group of heroes (Lisa Simpson, Maggie Simpson, the Powerpuff Girls, Princess Peach, and their new member Misty), had saved them. Their mission was to collect all 100 Lums in order to restore Ly to full health thanks to the damage done by Razorbeard, as well as find four sacred Masks to reawaken Polokus.
Upon returning to the ship, and with his missing powers found, Rayman had challenged Razorbeard, and his mech Grolgoth, to a duel, and half of the team escaped as he casted an explosion on himself. Luckily, Rayman, Lisa, and the Powerpuff Girls survived, and during the celebration, Misty was presented with a makeover from the Girls as well as Ly granting her hidden mermaid abilities; as she was a human host housing the essence of the fallen mystic being, Aqualina. There was a joke Fanfictiondreamer and her brother came up with, in which the last level was so difficult, that he thought Razorbeard must've lost a lot of his minions going thru it by falling into the abyss! It was a hilarious joke, and they (and the heroes) thought there'd be a secret entrance to his ship.
Razorbeard was seen again, much to Misty's fright, shortly after the events The Journey Through Kanto while Ash Ketchum was celebrating his return form the Pokemon League. Razorbeard intended on doing to Earth and its denizens what he did to many other worlds and what he nearly did to Rayman's homeworld. The group were able to succeed in their final battle against him and he was eradicated, much to Misty's joy.
Double Life Emergence[]
Act 3[]
Episode 13[]
Razorbeard is hired by Midas to try and exterminate Bender, Luan, Slade, Anti Cosmo, Harry, Wile E, Dee Dee, Mop Girl, Malcolm Merlyn and Mysterion at sea with his Robot Pirates. He attacks them with his team and despite the numbers he has in trying to sink their ship, his army gets beaten down and is forced to retreat. Midas has him placed away for his failure.
The Prankster Point Paradox[]
Chapter 3[]
Razorbeard was brought into The Prankster's fold alongside his associate Captain Skurvy in part to The Prankster wanting to have sea transportation as well as aerial to make sure her operations can't be foiled as frequently by Bender and Marcy's group or Deathstroke's associates.
Upon finding out that the team is in Loch Loud after Dr.Lineus's Electric Manta attacks Loch Loud. Razorbeard and Skurvy bring the crew on their ship to reach Loch Loud. With Alador's portal devices to be tested they use the opporunity to set them up at all the temples that were explored previously.
Razorbeard and Skurvy work together to track Harrison, Libby and Anti Cosmo as soon as the trio takes a ship the very River Boat Queen that Lincoln, Lydia, Crowley and Scratch were familar with. That is when Admiral Razorbeard and Captain Scurvy attack with intent to try to sink the ship.
Razorbeard and Skurvy have the upper hand at first because The Prankster ordered them to remove any weapons off the River Boat Queen to make the job easier. The Duo Fight Harrison Wells 2 on 1 as Anti Cosmo and Libby work to natviage the ship
This manages to eventually suceed as Harrison is using energy weapons as opposed to live ammo and while they aren't defeated the two pirates look track of the trio.
Razorbeard and Skurvy pick up the rest of the crew and head off to another abandoned Amusement Park for The Prankster to use.
Chapter 4[]
Chapter 4
Ace, Hilda and Kamela find a cargo ship that Razorbeard and Kaptain Survy are taking to Duckberg in behest of the Prankster. The 3 decide to follow it with Malcolm, Gus and Guzma observing as they go through it.
Kamela sees a jewel that hse has identifed as the mermaid's teardrop and leads the other two to go after it. She embiggens herself to get the three on the ship and they cross the mast and go across it unknownist to the two pirates. As they go around they find some cannons, and Ace sets them off which destorys the wall in the way and go down and this where find a robot pirate which Ace and Kamela take out. Hilda warns them about that noise which indeed alerted Razorbeard and Captain Skurvy.
They instruct their pirates to take care of them and pirates start throw barrels at them. the ship crashes in the middle of the ocean at an island and Razorbeard and Kaptain Skruvy chase them have stopping them
The three run off into the island with the pirates in pursuit. HIlda calls Malcolm, Guzma and Fring and the former figures out where they are and he gets a move on to get them. Hilda asks where they are and Guzma states they're in Duckberg waiting for them and that it'll take them a whille. Malcolm states he's on his way.
The Trio keep running where they find stone statues and go exploring anceint island by going up the stone walls and clmibing up more vines to get away from the pursuing pirates and clmib further down to the depths of the island. And after a few more nativgating this is when Razorbeard and Kaptain Skurvy corner them and attack them with a Robot Mecha and Skurvy holding a blunder buss
Razorbeard working with Commander Airlock in the sky while he takes the sea manages to get Prankster's attention with what he sees and commands his robot pirates to join him in attacking the team. With Prankster ambushing them, Razorbeard sends the robot pirates on the heroes as he isn't a combat guy.
Using his ship, Razorbeard manages to pull out with Prankster's order and they get back to the lair.
Chapter 5[]
Razorbeard alongside Kaptain Skurvy, Don Boy, Bash, Bella and Cartel Enforcers try to attack Cleo and Celes so they can a dna sample of the former. Cleo manages to cause the ship to crash after a long face off and then Celes basically just freezes their ship in place and tries to force them not to move.
Chapter 6[]
Captain Putty is around Itchy and Scracthuy Land with the Donbot, Bradford, Razorbeard, Kaptain Skurvy, Dick and Airlock and decides to put his plans to work against the 6 teammates who came to the theme park knowing it was split. He sends them after the others as he decides to make his own pursuit.
The Donbot, Razorbeard, Kaptain Skurvy, Dick and Bradford all show up and ambush everyone other than G-LO as they investigate the abadoned amusement park from over 2 decades ago and try to bring them into Putty.
Chapter 7[]
Razorbeard is summoned to have his Robot Pirates to go after the heroes by Prankster. Razorbeard has his giant robot that Prankster got from in the Grolgoth.
Skurvy and Airlock decide to show him in his attack on the heroes. Slade takes this into discretion and with the help of The V Crusaders they take Wile E and Cleo with them
Razorbeard has the Robot Pirates attack Homer, Wolverine, Hit Girl and Kick Ass as he prepares the Grologoth and decides to flatten Wile E with it as Cleo goes against Captain Skurvy
Wile E aware of the robot managed to get his own hands on his own Mech and uses it to fight Razorbeard and he manages to send it near the end of the lava after a prolonged fight. Razorbeard manages to destory Wile E's mech which means the coyote has to use a smaller speedster vechile to attack the legs of the machine.
THe Coyote is sucessful and sends Razorbeard into the lava, though the admiral tries to kill WIle E with his own present, though Cleo saves him and Razorbeard is melted alive in the lava.