Admiral Boris Peter Mikhailovich is a member of the Alliance. He made his appearance in the first Mass Effect. He was Rear Admiral at the time but was promoted to Admiral in Mass Effect 3. During his appearance, he waited near the Normandy for Shepard to return so that he would gain permission to inspect the ship. Shepard can use their Spectre rank to deny him access. However if he was allowed to, he would do a quick inspection of the ship and come out of it with not a lot of good things to say. He believed that the Normandy was a waste of money to construct and would especially be unhappy with it having alien crew members aboard. Shepard would eventually convince the Rear Admiral that it was worth the credits and effort that it would take to build it and after having been convinced, he'll state that his report to the Joint Alliance Council will not be as negative as he had originally planned. He would then wish Shepard luck before leaving.
The Fayelons Story[]
The admiral would make his appearance after the girls' and crew members' third meeting with the Citadel Council. He stopped them before they would leave, having been waiting near the Normandy, expressing his anger towards the current plight, blaming the girls for everything that had been happening to the galaxy. The crew obviously stood up for the girls, giving reason to defend their staying within the galaxy, with Hackett vouching for them as well. After hearing their defense, he offered to board the Normandy so that he could look into everything that they had found out.
But before they could, the vigilante's Dark entity attacked again. While the girls went off to fight, the crew member began to tell them everything they knew about their conflict. Mikhailovich questioned if the girls were lying, with the crew members, not having the thought crossed their minds, didn't believe that they wouldn't lie and also recognizing that some of what were told were confirmed to be true. After the fight, they continued on to the ship along with Mikhailovich.
During his time with the girls and the crew members, he had seen firsthand what they went through as well as hearing all of the terrible strife that they had lived with. He had seen how important it was that they enlisted the help of the crew members, needing to grow stronger under their care and seeing that they weren't provided what they needed from their mentors back within their realm. He also had the chance to hear about what they had been through, having not realized that the girls have indeed been through so much unnecessary strife, not just by their battles with the Dark entity, but with the strife that they had to endure back home. From there, he relinquished his belief of the girls being responsible for what had happened within the galaxy, seeing that it truly was necessary for the crew members to be there with the Fayelons, having found that they were receiving the love and care that was so badly neglected by most of their own kind. He eventually wrote out a report to fully express his feelings towards this.