Admiral Steven Hackett is a top-ranking official of the Alliance Navy and commanding officer of the Fifth Fleet. He is based atArcturus Station. He is an essential character throughout the series.
The Fayelons Story[]
The admiral first met the girls face-to-face when they arrived on Earth. Before then, they briefly chatted with each other for the first time via the Quantum Entanglement Communications room on board the Normandy. He communicated to them that they needed to meet face-to-face in orde to discuss some private things regarding them.
He had already been made aware of the connections between the girls' powers and the strange occurances throughout the entire galaxy and thanks to the intel that they have collected on the girls, the connections were very apparent. He is confident that with their help, they will be able to solve the many mysteries that have baffled many throughout the galaxy for an entire year. He was kept in touch with the Normandy crew about their findings as well as exchanged intel that the researchers who work under him have uncovered.
He has been an invaluable ally during the fight against the Fayelons' enemies.
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Mass Effect 3 Admiral Hackett's Speech
The most inspirational and epic heroic speech of all of Sci-Fi history of this generation.