So scary even the big bad of his universe Blackbeard is very afraid of him for his ruthless methods referred to by Admiral Akainu as being Absolute Justice. This guy is also the other main villain of one piece.
Ace vs Akainu English Sub HD
Even kids who are pirates aren't safe to be killed off by Admiral Akainu
Akainu as vice-admiral
Admiral Akainu would dare harm civilians inside the ship just to kill his enemy who would take residence in there for hiding.
Feared by all pirates including one of main villains Blackbeard, Akainu is a merciless Admiral of the military navy who travels to the seas to hunt and murder every pirate down even if they are not adults. He goes to the most extreme lengths to maintain order on the continents even hypocritically getting pirates to do his dirty work for him and he is not below sacrificing innocent lives to kill the pirates as Admiral Akainu is a believer in Absolute Justice for him the end justifies the means if it will help keep the world safe.
Almost every pirate including the main hero Luffy were moving away to avoid facing him in battle and only the few that remained like Whitebeard and his crew with any other allies were the only ones who faced him to hold their own against. Even for Whitebeard's reputation, Admiral Akainu refused to back down in completing his mission and fought through entire armies of pirates being managed to only get slowed down by them as he continued passing through the blockade. He finally broke through and killed Ace after successfully making him angry through his manipulation that Whitebeard is a terrible father figure and Gold Roger was a better pirate than he is then made the finishing blow more quickly when things were calming down by heading off to kill Ace's adopted brother Luffy then went into a fight against Whitebeard blowing a hole in his chest before Whitebeard beat him down but enough to be out of the war as he got back up right after. After killing Ace and seeing Whitebeard killed off by Blackbeard and his men, Admiral Akainu went off to finish the rest of the pirates continuing to order his men to pursue the remaining pirate forces that are running away even if it costs heavy casualties but was stopped by Shanks and his superior the honorable villain Fleet Admiral Sengoku.
Another thing to despise Admiral Akainu is that he approves of using dangerous weapons of mass destruction that he's willing to use them to kill everything on an inhabited island even if it becomes lifeless in the outcome as it is part of his sacrifice in his belief of Absolute Justice to save everyone from pirates.
Shanks At Marineford
Admiral Akainu attempting to kill a marine that dares to disobey his orders.