Legends of the Multi Universe Wiki

Adam Park is a character from Power Rangers.

He is portrayed by Johnny Yong Bosch.

Adam was once a student from out of Angel Grove alongside Rocky DeSantos and Aisha Campbell. While in Angel Grove for the Teen Ninja competition, the three were kidnapped by Lord Zedd in an attempt to make them his dark warriors. However, this backfired when Kimberly, Billy, and Tommy destroyed the snake that would turn them. They became involved with the Power Rangers after Billy removed his helmet to avoid suffocation, thus revealing his identity. After this, Zack chose Adam to succeed him as the Black Ranger.

Adam serves as the Black Ranger (II), Zeo Ranger IV - Green, and Green Turbo Ranger (I)

Adam once again uses his Black Ranger form in Power Rangers Operation Overdrive along with Kira FordTori HansonBridge Carson, and Xander Bly.

Ranger Forms[]
