Legends of the Multi Universe Wiki

'Commander Adam Malkovich (アダム・マルコビッチAdamu Marukobitchi?) or simply Adam Malkovich, was the celebrated military genius that served in both the Federation Police (formerly) and in the Galactic Federation Army as the only Commanding Officer to Samus Aran during her time in the Galactic Federation. He was described by Samus as being gruff, harsh, a perfect military mind and relentless in criticism - but not a machine obsessed with duty. The way that he was described suggested that Samus had grudging respect and admiration for him that since grew into friendship. Adam was first introduced in Samus' soliloquies in Metroid Fusion, though he was seen and interacted with in Fusions prequel, Metroid: Other M which greatly expanded on his character, revealing that he left the police and joined the Army as a commander, leading the 07th Platoon.


During Samus' time with the Federation Police, Adam was the only one who truly understood her according to Samus herself. She viewed him as her best friend and surrogate father figure. He "joked" around with Samus, saying the phrase "Any objections, lady?" after a briefing. It was said in Fusion that it was to denote trust, but in Other M, Samus responded with a "thumbs-down" while the other troopers responded "thumbs-up" as acceptance to the knowledge from the briefing. The reason why Samus responded differently was for two reasons: Derision at being called "lady" and the understanding of the mission directives.

Later, it was revealed that Adam had a younger brother, Ian who supposedly died during a mission when Adam sacrificed him to save approximately 300 people on board a cruiser. During that time, Samus protested to save Ian, but Adam ignored her and ordered to dispatch the malfunctioning drive unit.


Samus Aran[]

