Legends of the Multi Universe Wiki

Adam is a scientific military experiment of psychology professor Maggie Walsh, created for the The Initiative as the ultimate weapon for defending the United States of America. Adam is identified as a bio-mechanical demonoid, a composite being comprised out of several demon organs, the remains of a deceased human soldier and several mechanical appendages.

Adam's goals revolved around the 314 Project, the Initiative's code name for the creation of an army of bio-mechanical-demonoids. Following in the foot steps of his creator, Adam elaborated a plot of having the Initiative soldiers fight to the death with the demons held captive by the Initiative for study. In the aftermath of the slaughter, Adam would then harvest the organs of both the dead soldiers and demons to create an army of creatures similar to himself with whom he could bring about chaos to the entire planet.

Adam is notable for being one of the most difficult enemies Buffy Summers ever had to encounter, proving to be physically superior to her, as well as one of the most calculating. Nevertheless, he was ultimately stopped through the literally combined forces of the Scooby Gang.

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