Legends of the Multi Universe Wiki

Ace Hardlight is the secondary antagonist in Ratchet: Deadlocked. He was a former Zoordoom prisoner and champion of DreadZone.

The Miracle Elite Adventures[]

Trouble in London[]

Ace serves as Gleeman Vox's champion of DreadZone Colosseum and B-ko's part-time ally. He also has a big hatred for those who were too weak. He is said to use them for target practice.


The Miracle Elite's Villains

Main Antagonist
Dormammu | Izaya Orihara | Pandora | Hades | Robert Hirano | Dorian Gray | Sheriff Vaisey and Jack the Ripper | Richmond Valentine |
Major Members
Kousuke Kira | Dr. Fetus | Elder God | HAL 9000 | Morpheus D. Duvall | Marvin the Martian | Phantom Blot | Karkull | Cthulhu | Shuma Gorath | Shadow King |
Minor Antagonists
BIG Cheese | Shadow Master (Double Dragon) | Hirudegarn | Archie Mitchell | Riliane Lucifen d'Autriche | Duskmon | Black Lantern Corps | King Henry | Princess Hilda |
Villains from othe stories
Malachite | Galactus | Zeus (God of War) | BlackGarurumon | Mister Sinister | Jesse | Albert Wesker | Loki Laufeyson | The Smoking Man | Dukat | Crowley | Peter Pan |
Active Groups and Alliances
The Children of Pandora
Angel | Arakune | Beatrice | Bernkastel | Black Lady | Cal Devens | Coconuts | Delia York | Diva | Dune | Eriol Hiiragizawa | Erza Knightwalker | Haku | Hansel and Gretel | Hanzō Urushihara | Haruna Niekawa | Lambdadelta | Lune | Mai | Minatsuki Takami | Minene Uryuu | Mysterio | Mirai | Nina Williams | Overlord | Princess Devilotte | Princess Snow Kaguya | Prowler | Re'gish Wamik | Regina | Rumia | Scratch and Grounder | Shingen Kishitani | Slender Man | Suigintou | Sunako Kirishiki | Sunny Tennyson | Tenshi Hinanawi | Thetis | Toshio Saeki | Ty Lee | Ultear Milkovich | Umehito Nekozawa | Virgilia | Yumiko Takagi | Zeref Dragneel |
The Bizarro League
Chief Blue Meanie | Colonel H. Stinkmeaner | Hateocracy | Darth Baras | Heather | Khyber | Leatherhead | Medusa Gorgon | Nemesis T-Type | The Fur Ghost | Pearl Forrester | Observer and Professor Bobo | Riptor | Poison | Toad | Le Frog | Tobi | Zira | Seth | Eggplant Wizard and King Hippo | Ribet |
Phoenix Inc.
Morpheus D. Duvall | Admiral Daro'Xen | Ma'alefa'ak | Koragg | Necrolai | Sinistar | Pyron | Dr. Pyschobos | Gizmo | Mr. House | Sammun-Mak | Emperor Pilaf | Star Sapphire | The Great Intelligence | Origami Killer | Featherine Augustus Aurora | Kin Tsuchi | Lord Raptor | Imperiex | Vertex | Swarm | Mister Mind | Bad Rap | SCP–049 | Alexia Ashford | Professor Hojo | Darth Jadus | Angel | Eirin Yagokoro | Saya, Sheath, Dokugozu and Dokumezu | Ciseaux | Raidriar | Walpurgis Night | T-A.L.O.S. | Anti-Monitor | Athena | Garnac | Technovore | Pluton | Mack Salmon | Nouhime | D'Compose | Yami |
Court of British Underworld
Shogo Makishima | Mary Sibley | Hagoromo Gitsune | Otoya Takechi | Yandere-chan | Prince Gasket | Princess Archerina | Lelouch vi Britannia | Barry the Chopper | Audrey II | Diaboromon | Sachiko Shinozaki | Alphard Alshua | Creed Diskenth | Pluie | Princess Shroob | Ghost | Mr. Mxyzptlk | Diagon | Raff (Ben 10) | Yamai Sisters | Souichirou Kuzuki | Caster | Kayako Saeki | Ludo | Succubus Queen (Vindictus) | Ryouko Kusakabe | Emperor Dalek | Rataxes |
Brotherhood of Anarchy
Gazelle | Gendo Ikari | Balalaika | Dr. Hans Reinhardt and Maximilian | Gleeman Vox | Blockheads | Vincent Moore | Dorothy Catalonia | Gargoyle | M.O.D.O.K. | Esdeath | Decoe, Bocoe, and Bokkun | Konstantin and Ana | Master Computer Program (MCP) | Sark | Takeshi Gouda and Suneo Honekawa | Sir Isaac Ray Peram Westcott | Ellen Mira Mathers | B-ko Daitokuji | Big Daddy | Mr. Tinkles | Mutant Leader | Rufus Shinra | Hugo P. Vasquez | Satyajit Shyamalan | Speckles | Selvaria Bles | Arthur | Professor Mystery | Ace Hardlight |
True Assassin | Atman | Moon | UBOA | Morpheus | The Groke |
Fallen/Destroyed Groups and Alliances
The Inferno Clan of Hell
Zabuza Momochi | Nergal Jr. | Ashleigh Crichton | Adolf Hitler | Wilhelm Burgdorf | Hans Krebs | Joseph Goebbels | Otto Gunsche | Alfred Jodl | Delilah Barnsley | Mephistomon | Klaus Adler |
Izaya's Syndicate
Namie Yagiri | Mairu and Kururi | Master Hand and Crazy Hand | Grapefruit | Big Bad Wolf | Chemo | Big Chill | Vladikoff | Malware | Zzzax |
The Nega-Acolytes
Hirudegarn's League
The Mystery Club
Duskmon's Alliance
King Henry's Forces
