"I am the Arch-fiend, the Despoiler of Worlds, and by my hands shall the false Emperor fall!" - Abaddon, Warmaster of Chaos

Abaddon, also known as Abaddon the Despoiler, once named Ezekyle Abaddon, is the Warmaster of Chaos, a Chaos Lord and the greatest Champion of Chaos Undivided in the galaxy.
Abaddon is the master of the Black Legion of Chaos Space Marines and is rumored to be the clone-progeny of the Warmaster Horus, the greatest Traitor in Imperial history, and at one time his most favored son as the first captain of the Space Marines of the Sons of Horus Legion.
Abaddon is now infamous for leading Black Crusades, the terrible military campaigns during which the normally fractious forces of Chaos unite under his leadership and launch a massive attack against the Imperium from within the Eye of Terror.
The most recent of these attacks, the 13th Black Crusade in 999.M41, led to the fall of the vital Imperial Fortress World of Cadia, the birth of the Great Rift that divided the galaxy in half and the start of the Noctis Aeterna and the Era Indomitus.
The name of Abaddon, the Warmaster of Chaos, has become a bitter curse within the Imperium. During the Great Crusade, Abaddon rose to become Captain of the 1st Company of what was then called the Luna Wolves Legion. When the Horus Heresy came to a head, it was clear that Abaddon's loyalty lay with his primarch.
He led the Terminators of the re-named Sons of Horus across Isstvan III, Isstvan V, Yarant, and Terra itself. Abaddon's anguish at his master's death at the hands of the Emperor drove him deeper into madness and hatred than any mortal should ever sink.
Before retreating, Abaddon took up the Warmaster Horus' body and fought his way out of the quickly deteriorating battle before the Imperial Palace. With their cadaverous prize, the Sons of Horus Legion fled before the Emperor's victorious armies.
When Abaddon returned, it was at the head of a diabolic horde ravaging star systems around the Eye of Terror. His Heretic Astartes, now called the Black Legion, were at the forefront of the attack, destroying all in their path. During this 1st Black Crusade, Abaddon formed many bloody pacts with the Chaos Gods.
Below the Tower of Silence, he recovered the Daemon Sword Drach'nyen, a weapon of prodigious power, making him nigh unstoppable. Since then, Abaddon has dreamed of forging an empire of Chaos upon the ruins of the Imperium. Twelve more Black Crusades have followed, each achieving some dark purpose that even the mightiest sages of the Imperium cannot discern.
It is said that Abaddon alone has the power to unite the Traitor Legions and finish the treachery begun ten thousand standard years ago, ripping the Emperor from His place on the Golden Throne and at last claiming the galaxy for the Ruinous Powers.
LOTM: The Angels Return[]
Abaddon showed up at the Imperial Palace as the Autobots were trying to recover the pieces of the Emperor's soul. Abaddon attempted to destroy the crippled ruler...but the Emperor, having regained a great amount of power, put a quick stop to the evil plan!
Abaddon's lines from DoW
Powers and abilities[]
Abaddon is possibly the most powerful character in the Warhammer 40,000 universe, other than the Emperor of Mankind or one of the other Dark Gods of the Immaterium. Abaddon is a powerful warrior of immense strength and skill who is armed with a deadly array of both Chaos artifacts and abilities that make him an overpowering foe to face on the battlefield. Abaddon bares the Mark of Chaos Ascendant, which bestows all the benefits of the four other Marks of the Chaos Gods, forever branding him as the greatest Champion of Chaos Undivided. He is also described as a demagogue, able to sway other followers of Chaos to his cause against the Imperium despite their natural inclination towards internecine conflict. Abaddon's extraordinary connection to all four of the major Chaos Gods and multiple arcane layers of daemonic protection means that he cannot be killed outright by anything in the purely physical world, even direct fire from a super-heavy tank such as a Baneblade or a Land Raider. Like his predecessor Horus, only the power of the Warp, harnessed by a psyker of immense power and undoubted purity of mind and heart, will be able to slay Abaddon the Despoiler for all time and forever place his soul beyond the capabilities of even the Ruinous Powers to resurrect.
Notable attacks and techniques[]