Legends of the Multi Universe Wiki


Abaddon is a location and character created by Kingofevil9 which appears in LOTM: Devastation, acting as both a place and a antagonist.

A living Planet Killer created by Avalos long ago, Abaddon is a colossal planet-like creature who transcends realities and consumes planets and stars, using their life energy to fuel the Heart of Avalos possessed by Alcmene, leader of the Order of Devastation. The Order has their home on both Abaddon's surface and underground, with Alcmene's lair being placed by Abaddon's center and heart where he sits to fuel the Heart of Avalos with the consumed worlds' life force.

Powers and Abilities[]

Planet Consumption - Utilizing its large size and immense power, Abaddon mainly consumes nutrition in the form of planets and stars. It does this by latching onto a planet and tearing chunks out of it with its vacuum-like mouth and talon-like spikes until it uncovers the core of the planet or star it's consuming, sucking the energy from the core until the affected space body becomes lifeless. This not only results in extensive damage to the planet affected, but also kills off all life on said world and leaves it as a husk floating in space.


  • Abaddon's methods of consuming planets is inspired by the character Unicron from the Transformers franchise, while its appearance is inspired by the Brethren Moons from the Dead Space series.