The Armed Guardian Service Private Military Corporation (or ARGUS for short) is a PMC from the Splinter Cell Universe.
ARGUS PMC seves the continental United States and 16 other nations, depending on who hires them. They do get contracts from less than legal clients from time to time.
ARGUS PMC provides multiple services to multiple clients, with a high degree of focus on defense of asset/property protection of those who can afford to hire them. ARGUS is as wealthy PMC, with access to various tech, including Wall Mines, advanced firearms, and others. The typical ARGUS soldier is a law enforcement or military veteran who excelled in that line of work, making them worthy of the high charges the company charges their clients.
Contrary to common belief of mercs being thugs, hitmen, or guns-for-hire, the ARGUS mercs are highly trained, highly-professional private soldiers, as recognized by their suits and their skills.
- Multi-Vision Helmet - Helmet used by ARGUS mercs with a Multi-Vision visor (Electro-Magnetic Field and Motion capture), Enhanced Reality (Spoting objectives and locating intruders), and flashlight.
- Assault Rifle
- Shotgun
- Flare
- Frag Grenade
- Phosphorescent Grenade (Blotches the target with particles glowing bright green, making them and their footsteps easier to spot.)
- Wall Mines (Proximity and Laser)
- Poison Mines
- Spy Trap (A portable device that are put on walls like a laser grid. A spy who trips it are placed on a Merc's radar.)
- Camera Network Browsing Device (Allows use of special security cameras.)
- Taser
- Backpack (Carries extra gadgets for resupply.)
- Gas Mask
- Laser sight
- Sniping Binoculars
Fire Rebellion Storyline[]
Fire Rebellion: Season 18[]

Soldier of ARGUS PMC.
ARGUS PMC is hired by Azula in her plan to exact revenge against the Order of the Just, catching the attention of Grid Battleforce.