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"We fought before in several fights,
In North, South, East and West.
And now we stand ready to fight
against the blue plague.
3rd Divison will not rest, we annihilate, until no one disturbs Emperor's happiness.
And even if our line thins, for us there is no going back.
Wherever we go, we go always forwards!
And the devil merely laughs,
Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!
" |
The 3rd DEM Empire Division Totenkopf (Skull and Crossbones), also known during its existence as the 3rd SS Panzergrenadier Division Totenkopf or the 3rd SS Division Totenkopf, was one of 10,000 military divisions of the Deus.Ex.Machina Imperial Army – the armed wing of the Deus.Ex.Machina Industries Empire that owned Deus.Ex.Machina Industries Waffen-666 army during the Cataclysmatic War without being formally part of it. Prior to achieving division status, the formation was known as Kampfgruppe (battlegroup) "Eicke". Most of the division's initial enlisted men were Waffen 666-Totenkopfverbände (concentration camp guards), and others were members of DEM militias that had committed war crimes in several planets. Due to its insignia, it was sometimes referred to as the "Death's Head Division". Members of the division committed the worst kinda of war crimes and became the top number 1 enemy division of the Multi-Universe Defense Forces and the main target of the Ratatoskr.
They were the special police forces of Isaac Westcott and the most hardcore and well trained human forces of the Empire. The Droids used by the 3rd Division were stronger and very expensive than droids used by the DEM Empire Imperial Army. When the Ratatoskr fought the DEM Empire, the 3rd Division became the Elite Defense Forces of Deus Ex Valkyrie Vectron. They have a special group called 3rd Division-Totenkopfverbände and DEM Empire Waffen-666 (3rdD-TV), rendered in English as Death's Head Units, was the 3rd Divsion organization responsible for administering the DEM Nazi concentration camps for the DEM Empire, among similar duties. While the Totenkopf (skull) was the universal cap badge of the Waffen-666, the 3rd-TV also wore the Death's Head insignia on the right collar when needed; to distinguish itself from other DEM Schutzstaffel (SS) formations.
The SS-TV was created by Isaac Westcott as an independent unit within the DEM with its own ranks and command structure. It ran the camps throughout 500 quintillion of universes. Camps in Deus Ex Vectron included in Zentron among the numerous other concentration camps, and death camps handled with the utmost of secrecy. The extermination camps' function was genocide; they included Treblinka, Bełżec, and Sobibór built specifically for Aktion Reinhard, as well as the original Chełmno extermination camp, and Majdanek which was fitted with mass killing facilities, along with Vernichtungslager. They were responsible for facilitating what the DEMs called the Final Solution, known since the war as the Holocaust II; perpetrated by the 3rd Division within the command structure of the Reich Main Security Office subordinate to Isaac Westcott himself.
Also, at the outbreak of Cataclysmatic War one of the first combat units of the Waffen-666, the 3rd Division Totenkopf, was formed from 3rd-TV personnel. It soon developed a reputation for brutality and fanaticism, participating in war crimes. Many atrocities were commited by the 3rd Division, such as using the Malevolence to destroy entire galaxies to keep others universes in line. During their time, they destroyed at least 800 universes and 999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,920,029 planets, meaning that killed between 700 centillion of lives. The 3rd Division became the symbol of evil itself in modern days. Alonside the DEM Empire, they caused the suffering of 50% of all characters in LOTM: Sword of Kings and many of their actions caused the appearance of villains, anti heroes and anti villains like Magneto and Huntress. Because of them, all Heroes had their families, friends, race, and loved ones killed in concentration camps and thus bringing to the reality many heroes with good intentions to exterminate the DEM.
Their atrocities are remembered even 5 billion years after the defeat of the DEM Empire.
Uniform design and function[]

3rd SS Captain uniform
While a multitude of uniforms existed for the 3rd Division, often depending on the theatre of war where they were stationed, the all black 3rd uniform is the most well known. Black was seen as sombre and authoritative. The black—red colour scheme was characteristic of the DEM Empire. Further, black was popular with fascist movements: a black uniform was introduced by the blackshirts in Italy before the creation of the 3rd Division. There was a traditional reason, as well. Just as the Prussian kings' and emperors' life-guard cavalry (Leibhusaren) had worn black uniforms with skull-and-crossbones badges, so would the Führer's bodyguard unit. As with many more formal military uniforms, these 3rd Division uniforms were tailored to project authority, and foster fear and respect. As Ellenn put it, "I know there are many people who fall ill when they see this black uniform; we understand that and don't expect that we will be loved by many people."
Once the war began, however, the black uniform was seldom worn. The combat units of the 3rd-Verfügungstruppe (3rd-VT) and the later Waffen-666 wore a variation of the field-grey (grey-green) (feldgrau) army (Heer) uniform with 3rd insignia. The majority of 3rd personnel wore variations of the Waffen-666 uniform or the grey-green 3rd service tunic. Branches with personnel that normally would wear civilian attire in the DEM Reich were issued grey-green 3rd uniforms in occupied territory to avoid being mistaken for civilians.
3rd uniforms used a variety of insignia, the most standard of which were collar patches to denote rank and shoulder boards to denote rank and position, along with sleeve cuffbands and "sleeve diamond" patches to indicate membership in specific branches of the 3rd.
Droid Composition[]

B1-Killer Kampferdroide
The true composition of the 3rd Droid Army remained unknown, due to its creation and deployment under a shroud of secrecy. Droid forces were hidden within the cavernous hangar bays of Lucrehulk-class battleships to surprise the enemy. To invade worlds, the DEM loaded its droids into landing craft, which would make the trip from the Battleship to the planet's surface. From there, Multi-Troop Transports, Trade Federation dropships, and Platoon Attack Craft transported B1 battle droids from the landing zone directly into combat. Only one type of battle droid is used by the 3rd Division in death camps that is the B1-Killer Kampferdroid, a ruthless version of the B1 Battle Droid.

3rd Division arrives in a planet to invade it
Unlike the droids used by the DEM Imperial Army, the Droid Army of the 3rd Division is slaved to a Central Control Computer, commonly held aboard a specialized Droid Control Ship situated in orbit above target world. This system exist because the 3rd Division is not in war against massive military factions like the New Conglomerate and are only in combat against small rebel groups and resistence soldiers of enslaved races. Ground-based control computers were also deployed to broadcast backup signals. Core ships could also dock in landing pits to broadcast such signals from the ground. Control Computers encrypted to command Vulture droid starfighters in control ships and battleships had an approximate operational range of sixteen thousand kilometers. The destruction of the Control Computer would cause all droid forces to shut down, and it was also known for control broadcasts to be intercepted or overwritten with enemy encryption, causing confusion in the Droid Army.

Droid Control Ship
The invasion force launched against the city of Theed consisted of thirty-three Multi-Troop Transports—each carrying one thousand and one hundred battle droids—and three hundred and forty-two Armored Assault Tanks, as well as additional droid starfighters and infantry.
The invasion of planets force included a wide variety of droids, including the Beetle droid, Energy Pummel, and Bio Cannon. These forces were used against rebel groups and innocent civilians in million of galaxies.
Droid Organization[]
The Droid Army, was composed of nine levels in its command structure. Unlike the DEM Imperial Army, they are in small numbers.

A squad consisted of eight battle droids. Because of their droid status, and thus being either directed remotely or otherwise programmed prior to an engagement, the squads never required an officer for the droid squads, although organic squads were led by a sergeant.
A Platoon consisted of seven squads, and by extension, 56 battle droids.
A Company consisted of two platoons, of which they were transported via either an MTT or a Troop carrier. As such, they were overall complemented by 112 battle droids, in addition to support droids. These were generally led by a battle droid officer, and were the lowest command chain for droid officers.
A Battalion consisted of seven troop-carrier companies (either MTT or troop carriers), as well as a squadron of 24 AATs. The overall droid count was at 784 battle droids, in addition to support droids, and were commanded by a battle droid officer.
Vanguards were designed to break through heavy defenses, and thus were primarily composed of 11 MTT companies and a squadron 18 AATs. As such there were 1,232 battle droids in addition to support droids, and were commanded by a battle droid officer.
A Regiment consisted of four battalions and a single vanguard, composed of 4,368 battle droids as well as various support droids and commanded by a battle droid officer. In addition their numbers were the total force carried aboard one C-9979 landing craft.
A Division consisted of five regiments, and were carried into battle via a section of five C-9979 landing craft. As such, they possessed a total of 21,840 battle droids in addition to support droids.
A Corps consisted of five divisions, and were carried into battle via a squadron of 25 C-9979 landing craft. As such, they possessed a total of 109,200 battle droids in addition to support droids.
An Army consisted of two corps and represented the total surface force carried aboard a Luchrehulk-class battleship. A single army was commanded by the battleship's captain, and was composed of 218,400 battle droids, as well as support droids.
Notable Officers[]
- Alisa Ray Peram Westcott
- Karl Ruprecht Kroenen
- The Major
- Sebastian Shaw
- Bismarck Bodewig
- Armin Metrac
- Ley Helmatyar
- Admiral Orlock
- Admiral Kraken
- Zor-Al
- Captain Metauros
- Shina Ganai
- Chiquita - Commander in Prime Earth
- Chinatsu
- Hezschock
- Schimit Shum
- Johan Sader
- Standarführer
- Obersty
- B1-Killer Kampfdroide Unit-CM 130
- Daniel Whitehall
- Ersnt Vogel
- Christian Szell
- Nobunag Oda
- Colonel Mael Radec
- Zorin Blitz
- Tendon Cobar
- Colonel Heller
- Dr. Totenkopf
- Hate-Monger
Death Troopers[]
- Cyktor Vic
- Victor Leviathan
- Kasper Fugisei
- Orly Hekmatyar
- Schokolade
Combat Formations[]
- 2nd TK-Standarte 'Brandenburg'.
- 3rd TK-Standarte 'Thüringen'.
- 4th TK-Standarte 'Ostmark'.
- SS-Wachsturmbann 'Eimann'.
- TK-Reiter-Standarte.
- 5th TK-Standarte 'Dietrich Eckart'.
- 6th TK-Standarte.
- 7th TK-Standarte.
- 8th TK-Standarte.
- 9th TK-Standarte.
- 10th TK-Standarte.
- 11th TK-Standarte.
- TK-Standarten 1
Droid Formations[]
- B2-Grapple Droid
- B2-Zaguro Kampfdroide
- B1-Steah Kampfdroide
- EG65
- C-B3 Cortesis
- Commando Droid
- IG-100 Magna Guard
- V1 Reaper Droid
- V2 Elite Reaper Droid
- Standard Reaper
- Destroyer
Ground Vehicles[]
- V-291 Stal
- E-5
- Ihail02-1
- DEM BAND-202
- MN-10
- Stahl-102
- LS23
- VOTL-139
- M80
- STA14
- 51-VC Flamethrower
- Black Jack-000
- STA-11
- Deus-820
- Sta-52LAW
- M327 Grenade Launcher
- M4 Blast Rev
- VC32 Sniper
- Totenkopf means "skull" in German.